Soo Slovak!


Soo Slovak was a year-long series produced for Radio Slovakia International in 2014. Its aim was to help all the non-Slovaks out there understand some of the most typical Slovak features, things that anyone who knows this country, its customs and the way things are done here – would comment by saying – ‘That’s sooo Slovak’ – to je take Slovenske! Meaning that’s so typical for Slovakia.

Please note, they are mere observations, which have no scientific or representative data backing. So please take them as a positive, negative or fun feature – you might encounter when in Slovakia.

Here are a few exaples of Soo Slovak things, featuring Gaving Shoebridge formerly of Radio Slovakia International.

1: Good Morning!

Gavin and Katarína talk about how using the phrase “Good Morning” can cause a smirk or a smile.

2: Yeah, we got mentioned!

Are Slovaks proud of their country and of being Slovak? And why do we celebrate even at the negative mentions of Slovakia?

3: Is it “you” or “You”?

Have you hear of the rather complicated, Victorian like, addressing of one another in Slovak?. Join us in the confusion by the casual “you” and the formal “You”.

4: A very painful Easter

Katarína and Gavin try to get their heads around this striking, incomprehensible and painful Slovak custom. No woman was hurt during the recording of this part the Soo Slovak series.

5: Is it Slovakia or Slovenia?

This is a big Soo Slovak feature so please tune in and hear just how much Slovaks “love” being mistaken for Slovenians.

6: Can I offer you something?

How would you answer to this question if you’re in Slovakia paying someone a visit? What do you say if you just ate? Katarína and Gavin discuss this Soo Slovak situation.

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Media Appearances & Awards

Nomination for National Journalism Prize

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