Krajina Mladých

ENG / Krajina mladych / A Country for the Young – is a podcast that tries to answer the basic question: “What does the world of young people of today look like?”. This podcast, in the Slovak language, offers expert as well as authentic insights into the world of young people living in Slovakia that don’t usually get covered by traditional media.

This podcast is a cooperation with the NGO Youth Council of Slovakia (RmS) and is distributed by the popular Slovak daily DennikN.

Hosting, editing, sound-design: Katarína Urban Richterová

SK / Krajina mladých je podcast, ktorý hľadá odpovede na otázku: “Aký je dnešný svet mladých ľudí?” a ponúka odborný aj autentický vhľad do ich sveta. Mladí vedia o svete svoje a my vieme o nich.

Klient: Rada mládeže Slovenska

Produkcia, strih, sound-dizajn: Katarína Urban Richterová